VJ Faderが語るオーディオビジュアルパフォーマンス
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James Cui ことFaderは、様々な分野のマルチメディアを駆使するビジュアルアーティスト。ビデオマッピング、生成アニメーション、音楽ビデオ、ステージデザインからアート設備まで多岐にわたり手掛けており、世界中の広い層の人達に見られている。「Coachella (Indio)」、「Burningman (Black Rock City)」、「Insomniac Events (Los Angeles)」、「Mapping Festival (Geneva)」 等の数々のフェスに出演している。カルフォルニア州パサディナのArt CenterからAnimationの学位取得後、独学でオーディオ/ビデオパフォーマンスを行う際のコーディングを学ぶ。NeoromixerというVJソフトの会社を2004年に創立し、ビデオソフトやfaderTouchのような革新的なプロトタイプをフィーチャーしている。新しいアプリケーションを生み出しながら、高度なテクニックを駆使し国際的に活躍中。vjfader.com
Fader is a visual artist who works with multimedia in a variety of disciplines. From video mapping, generative animation, music videos, stage design to art installations, his work has been shown to broad audiences around the world. He has exhibited at numerous festivals such as Coachella (Indio), Burningman (Black Rock City), Insomniac Events (Los Angeles), Fuji Rock Festival (Japan) and the Mapping Festival (Geneva). He received a degree in Animation from the Art Center in Pasadena California and went on to teach himself how to write programing code for his audio/video performances. He founded the Neuromixer VJ software company in 2004 which features video software and innovative prototypes like faderTouch. He continues to exhibit internationally, expanding his techniques and finding new applications.
●What do you think are the easiest-to-use tools for handling audiovisual performances? I’m sure they’re going to be the tools your company develops, but… [laughs]
これからVJになろうとしている人におすすめできるツールが2つあります。1つはAVmixer Proで、これは本当に基本中の基本を押さえたビデオミキシングソフトウェアなので初心者向きです。機能がシンプルなだけに、自然とVJソフトウェアに頼らず魅力的なビジュアルショーを作ろうとする姿勢が身につきます。コンテンツやライブパフォーマンス面に集中することは大切ですから。
For someone learning to VJ I would recommend two tools. One is AVmixer Pro, I truly believe it is a very basic video mixing software that’s good for beginners. Its simplicity forces the user to not rely on the VJ software to create an engaging visual show, instead the focus is on the content and the live performance aspect.
The other tool if someone is ambitious about learning to program is Processing. It is cross platform, it works on Mac, Windows, Unix and Android so you can move your code easily. Also there’s a huge online community and lots of resources so one can easily learn by looking at references and example codes.
●Now that you’ve participated in two fuZe events, what kind of potential do you see in the fuZe project?
I see fuZe as a perfect playground for audio visual performance, where the audience can experience this new hybrid entertainment where the music and motion comes together. I could see this event growing larger to become more of a festival type of event, where many international and Japanese AV performances can be showcased, in a multi-day multi-venue event.
●fuZeのために開発されたvjkit for Unityというvj環境を使って、Vol. 2でヤマダヒデトがビジュアルパフォーマンスをしましたが、ご覧になられていかがでしたか。
●In Vol. 2, Hideto Yamada performed using Unity’s vjkit, a fuZe-developed environment, alongside the Unity engine, something normally used for game production. What were your impressions when you watched it?
I thought Hideto Yamada’s visual performance is a great example of live generative visuals. Using a real-time engine such as Unity as a VJ tool, one can really explore the depth of modern day computing power to explore complex and sophisticated 3D environments.
●If you have the chance to perform with fuZe again, are there any musicians or artists you’d like to perform together with?
If I have the opportunity to perform at fuZe again I would love to work with the HIFANA duo to create an original AV performance.
■VJ Faderが開発に携わったリアルタイムエフェクトを持ったVJソフト「AVmixer Pro」
AVmixer PRO, a VJ software package with realtime effects co-developed by VJ Fader
Click for more information
■ライブ情報 Live Show Information
2015年5月1日 「INTRO FESTIVAL 2015」(中国・北京)
May 1, 2015: "INTRO FESTIVAL 2015" Beijing, China
Stage design, VJ work
Click for more information
2015年9月4-6日「Backwoods Music Festival」(アメリカ・オクラホマ)
September 4-6, 2015: "Backwoods Music Festival" Oklahoma, USA
Stage design, VJ work
Click for more information