VJ Faderが語るオーディオビジュアルパフォーマンス

プロフィール :
James Cui ことFaderは、様々な分野のマルチメディアを駆使するビジュアルアーティスト。ビデオマッピング、生成アニメーション、音楽ビデオ、ステージデザインからアート設備まで多岐にわたり手掛けており、世界中の広い層の人達に見られている。「Coachella (Indio)」、「Burningman (Black Rock City)」、「Insomniac Events (Los Angeles)」、「Mapping Festival (Geneva)」 等の数々のフェスに出演している。カルフォルニア州パサディナのArt CenterからAnimationの学位取得後、独学でオーディオ/ビデオパフォーマンスを行う際のコーディングを学ぶ。NeoromixerというVJソフトの会社を2004年に創立し、ビデオソフトやfaderTouchのような革新的なプロトタイプをフィーチャーしている。新しいアプリケーションを生み出しながら、高度なテクニックを駆使し国際的に活躍中。vjfader.com
Fader is a visual artist who works with multimedia in a variety of disciplines. From video mapping, generative animation, music videos, stage design to art installations, his work has been shown to broad audiences around the world. He has exhibited at numerous festivals such as Coachella (Indio), Burningman (Black Rock City), Insomniac Events (Los Angeles), Fuji Rock Festival (Japan) and the Mapping Festival (Geneva). He received a degree in Animation from the Art Center in Pasadena California and went on to teach himself how to write programing code for his audio/video performances. He founded the Neuromixer VJ software company in 2004 which features video software and innovative prototypes like faderTouch. He continues to exhibit internationally, expanding his techniques and finding new applications.
●What kind of tools do you use?
ショーのスタイルや規模などによってVJに使うツールもいくつか使い分けています。fuZeの2回のショーでは、Processingでプログラムしたカスタムのジェネレーティブビジュアルと、自分のライブラリから持ってきたVJループを組み合わせて使いました。ビデオミキシングによく使うのは、自分で作ったVJソフトウェアでAVmixer Pro(※6)というものです。これはDJスタイルのビデオミキサーでエフェクトも付けられます。
大規模なショーでプロジェクションマッピングやカスタムのスクリーン構成が必要になる場合はTouchDesigner(※7)を使います。これはPC用でノードベースのプログラミング環境です。あとどのショーでも何かしらのMIDIコントローラーは使いますね。AKAI APC20とか、APC40とか、KORG nanoKONTROLとか、iPadに入れたTouchOSCとか。これはビジュアルソフトウェアを制御するためです。マウスはなるべく使わないようにしてます。パフォーマンスの間中、Facebookを眺めてるみたいに見えるんですよ(笑)。
Depending on the show I have a few sets of tools to choose from for VJing. For both fuZe shows I was using a combination of custom generative visuals programmed in Processing and VJ loops from my library. For video mixing I often use my own VJ software called AVmixer Pro(※6), a DJ style video mixer with effects.
For bigger shows that require video mapping or custom screen setup I would use TouchDesigner(※7), a node based programming environment for PC. For all of my shows I use some kind of MIDI controller like AKAI APC20, APC40, Korg NanoKontrol or TouchOSC on iPad to control my visual software. I try not to use my mouse because it makes me look like I’m surfing Facebook during the show(laughs).
●What inspired you to start VJing?
I actually started VJing since I graduated university in 2002 part time mainly at small clubs and parties. In around 2009 I started focus on VJing full-time because didn’t want to waste my time doing things I didn’t enjoy doing. One can always make more money, but we only have a limited amount of time, so it’s best to spend it wisely.
●What kind of past experience or schooling would you say you use the most in your current career?
僕はパサデナのArt Center College of Design大学でイラストレーションを専攻しました。もともと興味があったので3Dアニメーションやインタラクティブの講座をとるようになったんです。映画史、動画の歴史、色彩理論、タイポグラフィーとデザイン、3Dアニメーションと、授業で学んだことはすべてライブビジュアルアーティストとしての活動に役立ってくれました。
In university I studied illustration as my major at the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena. Later in my studies, naturally I started taking 3D animation and interactive classes. Classes like History of Cinema, History of Moving Images, Color Theory, Typography and Design, and 3D animation all helped me as a live visual artist.
●You’ve done audiovisual performances across the global music scene, and I’m sure you’ve played in many different environments and setups. Tell me about your best performance, the one that sticks out the most in your mind. Looking back, what would you say is the most vital part of your performances?
Recently I played a show at San Jose (Costa Rica). Despite the remote location, low budget production and rain, not to mention it was the first time that I had VJed for a Psychedelic party. The audience reaction was overwhelming. Everyone really appreciated my stage design and synchronized visual performance. For me, like any performer, it is important to connect with the audience and know that your work made them move.
●Now tell me about a performance that didn’t go the way you wanted. What did you learn from those mistakes?
For me, I don’t really fear mistakes. Again, if something is unpleasant or uninteresting to look at, people will simply turn away and ignore. What is important is to try something new every time.
※6 AVmixer PRO:VJ Faderが開発に携わったリアルタイムエフェクトを持ったVJソフト。A VJ software package with realtime effects co-developed by VJ Fader. http://neuromixer.com/products/avmixer-pro
※7 TouchDesigner:インタラクティブアートやVJなどのライブパフォーマンスのコンテンツを制作するソフト。A software package for creating interactive-art and VJ performance content. https://www.derivative.ca
■VJ Faderが開発に携わったリアルタイムエフェクトを持ったVJソフト「AVmixer Pro」
AVmixer PRO, a VJ software package with realtime effects co-developed by VJ Fader
Click for more information
■ライブ情報 Live Show Information
2015年5月1日 「INTRO FESTIVAL 2015」(中国・北京)
May 1, 2015: "INTRO FESTIVAL 2015" Beijing, China
Stage design, VJ work
Click for more information
2015年9月4-6日「Backwoods Music Festival」(アメリカ・オクラホマ)
September 4-6, 2015: "Backwoods Music Festival" Oklahoma, USA
Stage design, VJ work
Click for more information